Admissions and Applications
Admission Policy
The Wake up! Early Education Centre admits children of any race, gender, religion or culture to its programme. Children with special needs can be admitted to the centre, provided they are able to cope with the daily routine and can learn independently. The Wake up! Early Education Centre does not support any one denomination or religion. We take in children from Otjomuise and neighbouring suburbs only.
Before enrolment we encourage parents/caregivers to make an appointment to have a look at our classrooms and facilities and observe how our centre ‘works’. To see a Montessori classroom in action will tell you much more than words can do.
The Daycare Centre
Due to the nature of our programme based on the Montessori approach to education, the centre primarily enrols children in the age group 2-3 years in our Daycare Centre or Toddler Group.
To be enrolled children need to be 2 years of age (we do not take in babies). They need to have started toilet-training and be on their way to independence, meaning they can dress and feed themselves, with help if needed, and are ready to be separated from home.
The Daycare Centre offers an inviting learning environment where children learn through hands-on-experience. They are taught practical everyday tasks to take care of themselves and their environment and are offered a range of materials and exercises to develop their senses, build up their vocabulary and develop their social skills, learning to work with and enjoy the company of other children their age.
The Preschool
The preschool admits children from 4 years up.
The year after our toddlers turn 4 years old they move up to the Preschool, which is a continuation of what happens in the toddler group. In the preschool a further foundation is laid for pre-mathematics and language, children learn about animals, plants, different cultures and environments and any other theme, learning about the world around them and building up their general knowledge.
For admission to the preschool preference is given to children from our toddler group, but in addition we do take in a limited number of new 4-year old learners. Children who are already 5 years old are only considered in case they come from another preschool where they have started their foundation in learning. It takes about three years of early learning to get a child ready for Grade 1. One year is simply too short to fit into our Montessori classroom and have all the benefits. If the child will go to a government primary school we do recommend parents to enroll him/her in Grade 0, as this ensures a place in Grade 1.
Admission Procedure & Registration
Parents/caregivers can register a child at any time during the year, completing a registration form in full at the school office. You need to bring the child’s birth certificate and a card from the clinic or your general practitioner, stating the immunisations your child has received.
On acceptance of a child in the school parents/caregivers are required to pay a non-refundable registration fee. Furthermore parents are required to sign a Parent-School Agreement, to subscribe to the rules of the centre.
New children will start in January, unless there is a space available during the year. If the centre is full, parents can apply for registration by putting their name on a waiting list. Once there is a place available, parents will be invited by the centre to register.
The centre has a limited number of places available for children of parents who need financial assistance with paying school fees. If you think you might be eligible for assistance, you can make an appointment with the school office to state your case.
School Fees
Click here for information about school fees.