End of year fun

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
End of year fun at Wake up!

Last Friday we held our End-of-Year Concert for a full house of parents and guests.

The toddlers performed a song and the pre-schoolers presented a play about a village girl Tutala who takes a surprise present of a basket of fruit to her friend Pandii in a neighbouring village. Tutala carries the basket on her head and, unknown to her, various animals help themselves to the fruits till there are none left, but then a goat butts into a naartjie tree, shaking the fruit into the basket. Tutala has fruit to share again.

Then we had 12 children leaving us for Grade 1 who received certificates and presents. The evening ended with snacks brought by the parents.

See an album of photos on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WakeupEarlyEducationCentre