Fundraising appeal for caretaker flat and classrooms

Monday, May 14, 2018

On our request, on the 10th of May we received from the Chinese builder who built the rainwater channel last December a quote for the remaining elements on our building plan of 2009, which have not yet been realised:

  • a flat for our caretaker (urgent, the ‘temporary solution’ of an old caravan without any facility has become an affront) and
  • initially two more classrooms with ablution block (although there are three more classrooms on the building plan).

This was quoted for N$1,583,951 / €106,000.  

This is a huge sum of money, but far below the estimates we had received from the Quantity Surveyor and realistic and fair according to our architect.

Embarking on this project became an opportunity when we asked what the company would charge if we wanted to add yet another classroom, the last one on our building plan. They then offered to do the third classroom for an additional N$100,000 / € 6,666 which basically is a present keeping current building costs in mind!  The company offered to do so because there is a lull in their project activities at present (they just missed a huge tender) and they would like to make a contribution to our project. Only, they want to start latest mid-June and will only do all-in-one.   

The rationale for the three additional classrooms is to add one to our present preschool (we maintain a waiting list every year as we lack spaces) and to rent out the other two in order to finance part of our running cost and help ensure the long-term sustainability of the centre.  Furthermore the timing is right as the architect and present principal are leaving, but right now can still support and supervise this project.

The revised quote (for three classrooms, toilet and flat caretaker) is N$1,657,361 / € 110,491. We still have €7,000 / N$105,000  reserved for building projects and therefore are looking for N$1,552,361 or €103,491.       

Key question is where to find such a sum of money in the next few weeks?

We have applied with the funds that have supported as in the past, but that will not be sufficient. We appeal to all our visitors to share any tips you may have!

You can contact us at: or phone (264) 81 4535880

Let's realise our dream in order to invest in the future of Wake up!