Wake up! Hit Hard by the Corona Crisis
In March the first term of the year was well on its way with 80 children registered and the 30th Year Independence Celebration of Namibia forthcoming. Staff members were preparing for our 10 Year Anniversary and inauguration of the new classrooms, but then Corona announced itself and now the centre is closed!
2020 already had a rough start. The economic crisis is hitting poor communities hard and our parents struggle to pay the fees necessary to operate the centre. Parental fees must cover 75% of our expenses; the other 25% is raised by our friends in The Netherlands. The government still does not subsidise early education.
With regards to Corona: to date according to the authorities, Namibia has had 16 cases of the virus, and no (official) deaths, but little testing is taking place. A full lockdown was proclaimed starting the 28th of March. The Ministry of Education initially brought the May-holiday forward, but end of April it was announced that Early Education Centres will only be allowed to resume the 3rd of August.
As parents are not expected to pay fees during the months of May, June and July (and most did not pay for April either) the centre is in crisis. The Board of Trustees in Windhoek has shared with the staff that only 50% of their salary can be guaranteed for this period. The staff will still come to the centre two days a week to stay in contact with parents, prepare activities for children at home and prepare for teaching in August.
In August we hope to resume in full force, but anticipate further financial constraints, as many parents will have lost income and therefore will be even less able to afford school fees for their little ones. To help us stay afloat, any donation will help.
Our Bank Details: Penduka Daycare Centre Nedbank, Branch Code 461038 Acc. Nr. 11000313310 Swiftcode: NEDSNANXXXX