
Thank you very much ROC Leiden

Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Ivo receiving the cheque for Wake up!
Thank you very much ROC Leiden.

On behalf of the foundation in the Netherlands Ivo de Been had the honour to receive the cheque from the students of ROC Leiden. It was a fantastic amount of 2070 euro! Thank you very much ROC Leiden.

Christmas gifts for Wake up!

Thursday, December 11, 2014
The Halssila Daycare Centre surprised us with a Christmas present

The Halssila Daycare Centre in Finland of Ulla, a previous volunteer at Wake up!, surprised us with a Christmas present: they sent us a big box full of toys and stationery. Thank you to Ulla & colleagues for such great partnership!

Wake up! principal awarded Fellowship for dedicated humanitarian services

Friday, December 5, 2014
Loes Bellaart receives the Melvin Jones Fellowship

During their Year End Celebration the Lions Club Windhoek Alte Feste presented Loes Bellaart, the present principal and initiator of the centre with a Melvin Jones Fellowship for dedicated humanitarian services. The Lions Club has been a true partner of the Wake up! Centre since 2013.

Closure of the Hall

Monday, December 1, 2014
Thanks! New Apostolic Church

On Sunday 30th of November the New Apostolic Church handed over a cheque worth N$66,585.10 to close off the hall of the school from the elements, keeping sun, dust and wind out as to allow us to make better use of the hall. The church has been renting the hall since the beginning of 2013 for their church services on Sundays. The Pupkewitz Foundation will also sponsor part of this upgrade by donating certain materials. This will be a tremendous upgrade of our facility for which we are truly grateful.