

Monday, March 14, 2016
Congratulations Emma, Elizabeth and Genoviva! Farewell Sophia.
Congratulations Emma, Elizabeth and Genoviva!

Three of our teachers have just obtained their Montessori Pre-primary Teaching Diploma from Headstart Montessori Training College.

Huge congratulations to Ms Emma Emvula, Ms Elizabeth Toolu and Ms Genoviva David.

We also welcome Ms Helena Martin to Wake up! as our first Admin Member of Staff and say goodbye to Ms Sophia Cloete who has taken on a post as pre-primary teacher with the government.    

Vacancy: Admin manager

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Can you help us with admin and fundraising on a part-time basis?

Can you help us with admin and fundraising on a part-time basis?

As the centre has grown the need has arisen to find somebody who can help us with centre admin and fundraising on a part-time basis. We are looking for somebody with sound admin skills, a business mind, a wide network and a big heart. Attached is a job description. Please share it with whoever may be able to assist or pass it on. Also we are still looking for volunteers to join the Board of Trustees with skills in the areas of finance, fundraising and corporate governance.

» Download the Job Description here.

End of year fun

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
End of year fun at Wake up!

Last Friday we held our End-of-Year Concert for a full house of parents and guests.

The toddlers performed a song and the pre-schoolers presented a play about a village girl Tutala who takes a surprise present of a basket of fruit to her friend Pandii in a neighbouring village. Tutala carries the basket on her head and, unknown to her, various animals help themselves to the fruits till there are none left, but then a goat butts into a naartjie tree, shaking the fruit into the basket. Tutala has fruit to share again.

Then we had 12 children leaving us for Grade 1 who received certificates and presents. The evening ended with snacks brought by the parents.

See an album of photos on our facebook page:

End of year celebration

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Please join us for our end-of-year celebration on Friday 13 November at 6pm.

There will be a short performance by all children, after which we will graduate the learners who will be leaving us for Grade 1. We will close the evening with a light snack and drink. We are looking forward to see you then!